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Published by: VAW
On its constant patrol and police visibility in Ormoc City, it retains low recorded crime cases, from November 2021 to September 2022 and November 2022 to September this year there were only 15% recorded, 256 of which were arrested for violating national laws.
While the fight against illegal drugs continues, the Ormoc City Police Office under the leadership of PCol Nelvin M. Ricohermoso arrested 42 personalities and confiscated two kilograms of evidence, seven people were arrested for illegal possession of firearms and seven were confiscated and 50 firearms were turned over, 129 personalities were arrested for illegal gambling, 65 personalities were arrested for illegal fishing and nine people were arrested for illegal logging.
During the same period, the Ormoc Police aided in the enforcement of city laws such as: curfew, prohibitions on alcohol, anti-smoking, traffic violations, with 4,122 enforcements. They also conducted 1,432 awareness campaign to help the residents understand what illegal activities are.
LGU-Ormoc's return for supporting the city police is the construction of three police stations, a multipurpose center and the renovation of the OCO conference room.